Immigration to the UK Made Easy

We are committed to walking side-by-side with you, our fellow HKers, to help you settle down and integrate with the local communities.

Welcome to HKerConnect, the premier service provider for Hong Kong citizens seeking a smooth and successful immigration to the United Kingdom.

Our team of experts have a wealth of experience in guiding individuals and families through the complexities of UK immigration.

With our personalised approach and commitment to excellence, you can trust HKerConnect to provide the support you need to achieve your immigration goals.

Move to the UK

  • We believe in freedom, mutual respect and tolerance, peaceful coexistence, equality and justice.

    Our Mission and Vision

  • We believe each individual should have the right to choose where and how to live.

    Our Mission and Vision

  • We are committed to providing services to help Hong Kong immigrants settle in the UK, so that they can adapt to their new lives, integrate into the community and make contributions.

    Our Mission and Vision

  • We aim to maintain a one-stop platform to provide HKers who have decided and begun to prepare to immigrate to the UK, or have recently arrived with information that will be useful, accurate and timely.

    Our Mission and Vision

  • We are committed to preserving Hong Kong's unique culture and language.

    Our Mission and Vision

  • We welcome any comments, feedback and suggestions from those who will come to the UK or have already arrived.

    Our Mission and Vision

Contact Us

Want to find out more? Say hello and our team will be in touch to see how we can help you on your journey.