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11+ 考試全攻略 – 網上座談會 What you need to know about 11+ Exams: A Webinar

11+ 考試全攻略 – 網上座談會

What you need to know about 11+ Exams: A Webinar

如果大家想小朋友入讀 Grammar School 或者私立中學嘅話,就必須要通過 11+ 考試,但係大家又知唔知 11+ 係咩?要點樣報名同埋考啲乜嘢?我哋今次聯同 Citizens Advice North and West Kent 合作舉辦網上講座,並且邀請咗肯特郡政府嘅 11+ 入學官員,向大家講解呢方面嘅資訊,例如考試嘅內容、報名過程同考試當日嘅流程。唔好錯過喇!

Are you interested in sending your child to a Grammar School or a private school? If so, they will need to pass the 11+ exam. But do you know what the 11+ is all about and how to register and prepare for it? In this event, we have teamed up with Citizens Advice North and West Kent to host an online seminar. It is our pleasure to have an 11+ Admission Officer from the Kent County Council join us to provide parents with essential information about the 11+ Exam. This includes details on what does the exam include, the registration process, and what to expect on the test day. Don't miss this valuable opportunity to gain insights into your child's academic journey. Join us for the online seminar, and let's navigate the 11+ Exam together!

活動詳情 / Details :

日期 / Date : 23/8/2023 (星期三 / Wednesday)

時間 / Time : 1:00pm - 2:00pm (英國時間 / UK Time)

形式 / Format : 網上座談會 / Webinar (Microsoft Teams)

語言 / Language : 英語 / English

名額 / Capacity : 150

報名方法 / Registration : 填妥此報名表格。Please complete the registration form. (

講者 / Speaker : 肯特郡政府 11+入學官員 / Kent County Council 11+ Admission Officer

查詢 / Enquiries : Isaac Cheng 地區外展主任 ( 英格蘭東南區 ) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (South East England)


Disclaimer: Personal data collected will be used for this activity or case-related purpose only. For detailed information please refer to our privacy policy. The views of the guest speaker do not necessarily represent the views of HKB.

19 August


23 August

【🇬🇧 BNO升學系列(香港篇):準備英國高中/大學升學】