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Free Man Run 2024 (Run 2 Free Hong Kong)

Free Man Run (Run 2 free Hong Kong) 

2024 Manchester


Hong Kong Uncensored, Bonham Tree, At Home Foundation

Supporting Organisation: LivesUp 

Date: 18th May, 2024 (Saturday)

Purpose: To raise funds for Bonham Tree and At Home Foundation, to help the needy Hong Kong people in the UK.

Fundraising Target: £30,000

Activity details: All people in the UK are welcome to participate. The activities are divided into half marathon (21 km), and 10km run and a 5km walk which is suitable for the whole family to participate in. Each participant raises donations and sponsorships from relatives and friends, the amount is not limited.  All finishers will receive a Run2Free HK gift bag


Start: Piazza of Media City, Salford, M50 2EQ

Finish: Konger Cafe, expected to arrive at 1:30pm

Gathering time: 10:10am (21km run) / 11:30am (10km run & 5km walk)

Start time: 10:30am (21km run) / 11:50am (10km run & 5km walk)


21k: Media City > Old Trafford > Bridgewater Way > Old Trafford > Konger Cafe

10km: Media City > Old Trafford > Bridgewater Way > Old Trafford > Konger Cafe

# The pace for 21km and 10km run is about 7'00/km. 

# There will be water stations near the midpoint on the route. 

5km walk: Media City > Old Trafford > Grose Hill Park > Konger Cafe

Estimated Finish Time: 1:30pm at Konger Cafe 

Application Deadline: 5th May, 2024

Donation details: Each participant can solicit donations from relatives and friends. The minimum fundraising amount for each runner/walker is £40 for half marathon, £30 for 10km and 5km. After deducting the necessary expenses, all donations for this event will be equally donated directly to the Bonham Tree and At Home Foundation. You can donate by credit card through on this fundraising page. You can also have your own fundraising sub-webpages, just click "I want to fundraise for this" at the top/bottom of the fundraising page. After completing simple registration, you can create a sub-webpage to fundraise for this event.

Volunteer recruitment: 4 volunteers are needed at the starting point and water stations and 1 first aider is also needed on the day. If you are interested in being volunteering for this event, please fill in the form below:

(*To be provided)

For enquiries, please contact

曼城自由跑 (Run 2 Free Hong Kong)

2024 曼徹斯特






活動內容:歡迎所有在英人仕參加,分為半馬拉松(21公里)、十公里跑。另外亦有五公里步行,適合一家大細參與。每名參與者向親友募捐贊助,金額不限,有錢出錢有力出力,共襄盛舉!所有完成者將會獲得Run2Free HK 袋及禮品乙份。

集合地點:Piazza of Media City (adjacent to Metrolink Station of MediaCity, next to BBC Quay House): MediaCity UK, Salford, M50 2EQ

終點:KONGER Cafe: 289a Talbot Rd, Stretford, Manchester, M32 0YA

集合時間: 10:10am (半馬)/11:30am (十公里跑以及5公里步行)

起步時間: 10:30am (半馬)/11:50am(10公里跑以及五公里步行)


半馬: Media City > Old Trafford > Bridgewater Way > Old Trafford > Konger Cafe

十公里跑:Media City > Old Trafford > Bridgewater Way > Old Trafford > Konger Cafe

#半馬以及十公里步速大約7’00/km,預計13:30到達終點Konger Cafe 



Media City > Old Trafford > Grose Hill Park > Konger Cafe

預計13:30到達終點Konger Cafe 


捐款詳情:每位參加者可向親友募捐贊助,各組別每人最低籌款額為半馬拉松£40、10公里及5公里£30。本次活動所有捐款扣除所需開支後,全數直接捐助予細葉榕及在家基金。各位可透過本籌款網頁以信用咭捐款。參加者亦可開設自己的籌款附屬網頁,只要在本網頁頁頂/頁底點擊 “I want to fundraise for this”,完成簡單登記後就可以開設附屬網頁為這次活動籌款。



25 April
