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Let's Talk! 和你講 - 移英港人分享成功求職經驗 - 護理院活動統籌員 Let's Talk! - Employment Support Series - Successful stories of job-seeking by Hongkongers in the UK - Activity Coordinator in Care Home

Trafford Hongkongers CIC

大家嚟到英國,搵工都一定會遇到唔同程度嘅挑戰。為協助大家更快了解英國求職文化, Trafford Hongkongers CIC 邀請咗一位做護理院活動統籌員嘅移英港人,分享求職及面試嘅經驗。是次分享為網上講座,歡迎大家參加。
你仲等咩呀?快啲上 Eventbrite 度報名啦!
時間:夜晚 8 點 - 夜晚 10 點
平台:Google Meet
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
After moving to the UK, you may encounter different levels of challenges. In order to help you better understand the job-seeking culture in the UK, Trafford Hongkongers CIC has invited a Hongkonger newcomer, who worked as an activity coordinator in care home in the UK, to share the successful experience in job-seeking and interview. This sharing is a webinar and welcomes everyone.
This event will be conducted in Hongkongese.
What are you waiting for? Sign up and join us now!
Date: 11th July 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Platform: Google Meet
Sign up:
Fee: Free of charge
Trafford Hongkongers CIC
2 July

The 7th 709 Human Rights Day (Featuring 709 Companions Screening) in London

15 July

免費線上學術分享會 Free Online Academic Sharings - Modern History and Theology and Computer Science @University of St Andrews