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Watford HongKongers 年度野餐日 Picnic Day

Watford HongKongers 年度野餐日 Picnic Day
一齊嚟Cassiobury Park野餐啦!Cassiobury Park絕對係一個可以放鬆心情、享受大自然嘅好地方。和福香港人誠邀Watford港人一齊嚟Cassiobury Park野餐,度過一個愉快又悠閒嘅下午。我哋會提供飲品俾已登記嘅參加者享用,記得要帶埋自己嘅野餐墊同食物嚟分享喇!
時間:下午2時30分至5時地點:Cassiobury Park費用:免費參加 請預先報名
Join us for a delightful picnic at Cassiobury Park! Cassiobury Park is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. Watford HongKongers warmly invites all Hongkongers in Watford to join us for a fun and leisurely afternoon at Cassiobury Park. We will provide complimentary drinks for registered participants, so don't forget to bring your own picnic mat and food to share!
Event Details:Date: 16th July (Sunday)Time: 2:30 PM to 5:00 PMLocation: Cassiobury ParkCost: Free admission Registration is required
This is a family friendly activity. Please bring your own picnic mat and picnic foodThere will also be a series of small group games during the day to add to the fun!Register now to join us and make lasting memories at the picnic! 🌟🥳🌿
Please note that the event is subject to weather conditions. In the event of cancellation or rescheduling, we will notify you 48 hours in advance. Participants are responsible for their own travel insurance and liability.
We look forward to seeing you there!
We will be taking pictures of this event for promotional use but there will not be any front-facing photos taken from the audience. No photos will be taken from children. If you have any concerns, please contact

16 July


21 July

721 反警黑勾結集會