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南約克郡香港學生X家長~茶 • 聚 ☕ College Students Orientation Day & Parents Tea Gathering in South Yorkshire

南約克郡香港學生X家長茶 • 聚  College Students Orientation Day & Parents Tea Gathering in South Yorkshire 

 英國港僑協會與香港學生同盟 將合作舉辦在英香港學生X家長~茶 • 聚,協助在英讀高中的香港學生及家長透過今次茶聚,適應本地高中生活,並建立支援網絡。今次將分別進行學生活動及家長講座,詳情如下。

Hongkongers in Britain will collaborate with Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC to organise a College Students Orientation Day & Parents Tea Gathering in South Yorkshire. It aims at helping Hong Kong students and their parents to seamlessly transition into local college life, as well as to build a support network. The event will include student activities and talks for parents. Details are as follows:

學生部份 / Students :

1. 以大學迎新日形式讓參加者一起透過團體活動建立互助網絡 / Make new friends through university-style orientation activities

2. 活動完結後可以收到往後活動資訊 / Receive information about future events

3. 可自行決定是否加入相關的社交群組 / Join social media groups

4. 有機會成為香港學生同盟的義工或籌委以汲取社會服務經驗 / Opportunity to volunteer for or join the committee for Joint School Association for College Students (mainly managed by and under HKSA) to gain more social service experience


家長部份 / Parents :

1. 透過講座了解英國高中生的生活,和認識其他高中學生家長建立支援網絡 / Seminar on college life in the UK and connect with other parents

2. 活動完結後可自行決定是否接收與子女未來規劃相關的教育資訊 / Receive latest information about further education

活動詳情 / Details :

日期 / Date : 16/9/2023 (星期六 / Saturday)

時間 / Time : 2:30pm - 4:45pm (英國時間 / UK Time)

地點 / Venue : Sheffield 市中心 / Sheffield city centre (詳細地址將於成功報名後以電郵發放 / Detailed address will be sent via email upon successful registration)

名額 / Quota : 50 個家庭 / 50 families (額滿即止 / First come, first served)


講者 / Speakers :

Clark Leung (香港學生同盟創辦人 / Founder of Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC) 及 / and

香港學生同盟義工 / Volunteers from Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC

語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese

報名方法 / Registration : Link

入場費 / Admission Fee : 每個家庭 (一位家長及一位學生) £5 或每人 £3 / £5 per family (1 parent and 1 student) or £3 per person

(活動費用由協辦組織香港學生同盟收取,費用包括每人一杯港式奶茶 / Admission fee is collected by co-organiser Hong Kong Students Alliance CIC. It includes a cup of Hong Kong style milk tea per person)

協辦 / Co-organiser : 香港學生同盟 / Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC

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