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Dragon Dance Welcomes Spring: Lunar New Year Carnival in London

舞龍迎春賀新禧 – 倫敦農曆新年嘉年華 🧧
Dragon Dance Welcomes Spring: Lunar New Year Carnival in London


Are you excited for Lunar New Year? Hongkongers in Britain, Good Neighbours Church England, and Blossom Community HK hope to bring you the festivity and warmth of Lunar New Year and will be hosting a Lunar New Year carnival in central London. You can expect various food and retail stalls, children’s activities, family workshops and more. Stay tuned for more details!

活動詳情 / Details :
日期 / Date : 3/2/2024 (星期六 / Saturday)
時間 / Time : 2:00pm – 8:00pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
地點 / Venue : Golden Lane Community Centre (EC1Y 0SA)
活動內容 / Content : Games, taro ball making and Fai Chun writing workshops for parents and children, thematic talks, various food and retail stalls.
報名方法 / Registration : 請於Google form預約時段。Please reserve a spot through Google form
名額 / Capacity : 80人一節 總共6節 80 per slot, 6 slots in total (歡迎walk-in )

協辦機構 / Co-organisers :
英倫好鄰舍教會 / Good Neighbours Church England @englandgnc
大樹下合作社 / Blossom Community HK @blossomcommunityhk
查詢 / Enquiries : Wilber Lee 地區外展主任 ( 大倫敦 ) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (Greater London)

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