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Year of the Dragon Party in Yorkshire

約克郡龍年大派對 🐉
Year of the Dragon Party in Yorkshire

英國港僑協會將與 Re-Water CIC 在約克郡舉辦農曆新年活動龍年大派對。活動得到 Sheffield Museum 的支持,除了在英港人樂隊,我們更邀請到兩位不同年代的粵曲表演者,及資深旗袍師傅分享旗袍工藝因香港得以保留下來的故事,讓大家了解香港人如何為有價值的傳統文化而努力。屆時亦有香港小食、手作、農曆年版畫,以及各種以香港文化為主題的產品供大家選購。誠邀大家帶同親友鄰居一起慶祝香港文化,感受家鄉的味道和溫暖,一同慶祝農曆新年,到時見!

Hongkongers in Britain and Re-Water CIC will co-organise Year of the Dragon Party in Yorkshire. Supported by Sheffield Museum, we will have a Hongkongers’ band, two Cantonese opera performers from different generations, and a senior cheongsam master to share the story of how Hong Kong played a crucial role in preserving the cheongsam, showcasing how Hongkongers endeavour to preserve valuable traditional culture. Moreover, we will also have Hong Kong style snacks, craft works, booth games, and a variety of products promoting Hong Kong culture. Be sure to bring your friends and neighbours along, celebrate Hong Kong culture and experience the jubilant atmosphere of Lunar New Year together!
活動詳情 / Details :
日期 / Date : 17/2/2024 (星期六 / Saturday)
時間 / Time : 10:30am – 4:30pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
地點 / Venue : Millennium Gallery, 48 Arundel Gate, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 2PP
語言 / Languages : 香港話及英語 / Hongkongese & English
報名方法 / Registration : 無需報名,建議現場捐款 £3 (捐款由 Sheffield Museum 及 Re-Water 平分) / No registration needed, suggested donation of £3 (Donations are shared evenly between Sheffield Museum and Re-Water)
名額 / Capacity : 200 (額滿即止 / First come, first served)
協辦機構 / Co-organiser : Re-Water CIC
支持機構 / Supported by : Sheffield Museum
查詢 / Enquiries : HUI Lai Ming 地區外展主任 ( 約郡及亨伯區 ) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (Yorkshire and Humber)

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