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Mindful Nagomi Soft Pastel Wellness Course (Introductory & Advanced Levels)

情緒可以從不同色彩中呈現,而色彩也帶著多層的情緒。一天一天的生活,漸漸積累了一層一層的情緒,有時連語言也難以表達。移英後,或許因為少了以往常用的抒發情緒的渠道,內在的情緒更加埋在心底。我們再堅強,也可能敵不過長期被藏匿的複雜情緒,整個人都會被淹沒,慢慢失去自我連結。誠邀你透過和諧粉彩和靜心活動,讓我們可以在一個安全環境接觸和認識自己內在的情緒,與情緒建立關係,對自己更加慈悲愛護。本課程適合 16 歲以上香港人。

Emotions can be expressed through different colours; colours also carry layers of emotions. In everyday life, emotions accumulate layer by layer, sometimes even beyond the reach of words. New life in the UK may have added unfamiliarity and hindered the use of old channels of relieving emotions, burying internal emotions even deeper within. No matter how resilient we are, we might not withstand the prolonged concealment of complex emotions and we might slowly lose connections with our inner self. Through Nagomi Soft Pastel Art and some mindful activities, we invite you to safely explore and observe our inner emotions, build a relationship with them, and show compassion and care to ourselves. This course is suitable for Hongkongers aged 16 or above.

活動詳情 / Details :

入門級 / Introductory Level

日期 / Dates : 7, 14, 21, 28/10/2023 (星期六 / Saturday)

時間 / Time : 5:30pm – 7:30pm (英國時間 / UK Time)

地點 / Venue : Living Space, 1 Coral Street, Waterloo, London SE1 7BE

語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese

名額 / Capacity : 16

費用 / Cost:全免 / Free

報名方法 / Registration :

深造級 / Advanced Level (參與者需曾經參加入門級課程 / For Participants who have attended the Introductory Level)

日期 / Dates : 4/11/2023, 11/11/2023, 18/11/2023, 25/11/2023, 2/12/2023, 9/12/2023 (星期六 / Saturday)

時間 / Time : 5:30pm – 7:30pm (英國時間 / UK Time)

地點 / Venue : Living Space, 1 Coral Street, Waterloo, London SE1 7BE

語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese

名額 / Capacity : 10

費用 / Cost : 全免 / Free

報名方法 / Registration :

導師 / Facilitators :

Kitling -日本和諧粉彩証書導師 / Qualified Instructor of Japan Pastel Nagomi Art

Pandora – 生命自覺註冊導師 (美國) / Certified Focusing Professional Trainer (US)

Organiser : Hong Kong Counsellors Hub

查詢 / Enquiries : Wilber Lee 地區外展主任 ( 大倫敦 ) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (Greater London)

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