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Hong Kong Business Fair

🚀 探索您的創業之旅:Hong Kong Business Fair 🚀

你是否從香港來到英國後,有考慮在英國創業的可能性,不過無從入手?或者你已經開始了生意, 但不知道如何在英國推廣業務?我們在2023年10月14日會在Kingston大會堂舉行創業分享日,讓你在英國開展新事業時能夠獲得更清晰的指引和方向。

📅 日期:2023年10月14日

🕕 時間:中午12點至下午5點

📍 地點:The Guildhall, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU, UK


✨ 啟發香港小企業:在英港人企業家分享他們的創業故事,如何實現自己的夢想。他們會分享創業過程中的挑戰,在英國獨特的營商之道還有對創業者的專業建議。

🤝 專業服務提供商:由法律、財務到營銷的專業人士都會在場,細心解答你的問題,幫助你在英國開始自己的創業之旅。

🎉 Networking:擴展你的網絡,與志同道合的人士和潛在的合作夥伴分享見解。

📢 Panel Discussion:活動共有三場的分享會,由不同領域的專家和企業家組成,提供有關在英國建立和發展你的業務的寶貴建議。

分享會 1

下午1:00-1:45 在英創業實用建議

分享會 2

下午2:30-3:15 本地創業支援

分享會 3

下午4:00-4:45 如何踏出成功第一步

🎤 特邀嘉賓:Kingston市長將出席並開啟本次活動


由於場地地方有限,如有興趣參與panel disucssion,請同時登記相應時段的入場券。

🚀 Discover Your Entrepreneurial Journey: Kingston Business Fair 🚀

Are you a recent arrival from Hong Kong contemplating the possibility of launching your own business in the UK? Join us for an inspiring conference at Kingston Guildhall on October 14th, 2023, where the entrepreneurial spirit of Hong Kong meets the potential business opportunities in Kingston and beyond.

📅 Date: October 14th, 2023

🕕 Time: 12-5pm

📍 Venue: The Guildhall, Kingston upon Thames KT1 1EU, UK

Event Highlights

✨ Inspiring Hong Kong Small Businesses: Hear the stories of Hong Kong entrepreneurs who have taken their dreams to reality. Get inspired by their journeys, challenges, and achievements.

🤝 Expert Service Providers: Connect with essential service providers offering legal, financial, and marketing expertise to help you kickstart your own venture in the UK.

🎉 Networking Opportunities: Expand your professional network and share insights with like-minded individuals and potential partners.

📢 Discussion Panels: Gain practical insights from three engaging discussion panels featuring experts and entrepreneurs who will provide invaluable advice on setting up and growing your business in the UK.

Panel 1

1:00-1:45 pm Setting up a Business

Panel 2

2:30-3:15 pm Local Support for Businesses

Panel 3

4:00-4:45 pm Inspiration to Succeed

🎤 Special Guest: The event will be opened by the esteemed Mayor of Kingston, adding prestige to our gathering.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to embark on your entrepreneurial journey in the UK. Reserve your spot today, and let us guide you towards success in your new business adventure. Secure your ticket now! 🎟️ #HongKongBizShowcase #StartupUK

If you would like to attend a panel, please select the appropriate panel ticket along with a general admission ticket to cover the timeslot. Places are limited so please book to avoid disappointment.

7 October

Mindful Nagomi Soft Pastel Wellness Course (Introductory & Advanced Levels)

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‘That’s My Voice’ Singing Course