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‘That’s My Voice’ Singing Course

你對自己聲音嘅潛能有幾了解呢?鍾意唱歌,但又唔知從何入手提升自己唱歌能力?Theatre Hikari London 光之劇場 (倫敦) 為大家帶黎以粤語教授嘅聲樂訓練課程,透過遊戲同訓練引導參加者探索自己嘅聲音,並且建立對英語同粤語原創音樂劇作品嘅欣賞能力,重新發現歌曲裡英語同粤語嘅獨特優點。八星期專業嘅聲樂同聽力訓練後,學員將有機會喺課程尾聲合唱一曲表演。本課程適合初次接觸聲樂 / 偶有經驗 16 歲以上香港人。

Do you know what potential you own voice has? Do you love singing but don’t know where to start? Or you’ve already started singing but have no idea how to improve? You would not want to miss out on the professional vocal training course delivered by Theatre Hikari London! Through vocal games and exercises, participants can explore their own voices and develop an aesthetic appreciation for original musical theatre pieces in English and Cantonese. You’ll rediscover the unique strengths of both languages in songs. With professional vocal and aural training, participants will have an opportunity to perform a piece together in English and/or Cantonese by the end of the course. This course is suitable for Hongkoners aged 16 above who are beginners or have had limited training in singing.

活動詳情 / Details :

日期 / Dates :
21/10/2023, 28/10/2023, 4/11/2023, 11/11/2023,
18/11/2023, 25/11/2023, 2/12/2023, 9/12/2023 (星期六 / Saturday) (共 8 堂)
時間 / Time : 3:30pm – 5:00pm (英國時間 / UK Time)
地點 / Venue : G/F, 15 Risborough Street, London SE1 0HG
語言 / Language : 廣東話 / Cantonese
名額 / Capacity : 15
費用 / Cost : 每堂 £10 / £10 per lesson
報名方法 / Registration :
導師介紹 / About the Instructor : 
溫卓妍小姐 Ms. Jarita Wan
香港舞台劇獎提名藝術家,於香港創立 Theatre Hikari 光之劇場,積極推廣藝術教育,亦於巴塞隆拿戲劇學校 Actors Workshop Spain 擔任客席聲樂導師。現居倫敦,橫跨曲、詞、編、演、唱、教等領域。
Artist nominee of Hong Kong Drama Awards and co-founder of Theatre Hikari in Hong Kong. She has been an advocate of performing arts education in schools and charitable organisations and is also a guest tutor for Actors Workshop Spain. She is currently based in London as an artist, performer and educator.

協辦組織 / Co-organisers : 光之劇場 / Theatre Hikari、英倫好鄰舍教會 / Good Neighbour Church England、大樹下合作社 / Blossom Community HK
查詢 / Enquiries : Wilber Lee 地區外展主任 ( 大倫敦 ) / Regional Outreach Coordinator (Greater London)

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